Thank you to everyone who entered the Pollen Arts giveaway! I loved reading the stories of these special items in your life and finding out about new artists and shops. I can tell from the excitement in your comments that the items you posted about mean so much to you!
And now for the moment you’ve been waiting for… the winners of the Pollen Arts giveaway are:
3rd place – Erika – You will receive the Mini Lime Juice candle. Thanks for sharing the photos of your earrings. They are so cool and unique. I spent a little too much time looking through all of his designs on Facebook.
2nd place – Ty Tran – You will receive the Snake Oil Candle. I love your story about the hat and how your dad’s friend made such a difference in that family’s life.
And the 1st place winner is… Gwen! You will receive the Ink Well Trio. Thank you for sharing your friend’s soap shop. It’s amazing what a huge difference something that we take for granted every day, like soap, can make.
Congratulations! I will be contacting each of you winners through email to get your information.
(In case you’re wondering how the winners were chosen, I used a random number generator to select a number 1 – 17, based on first entry to last entry.)

Ink Well Trio Beeswax Candles from Pollen Arts