Drum Roll Please…

By Cbdesigns @cherylboglioli

Thank you to all who participated in my Art Journaling Give-Away.  

I used a WordPress Plug-in “And the Winner Is…” to randomly select the winner from the comments left and the winner is………

Author: Lillian Child (lillianchild@cox.net)
Website: http://lillianchild.blogspot.com
Comment: permalink

I shared here: https://www.facebook.com/CherylsWindow#!/lillian.child And I’m now a new Facebook fan!!

Congratulation, Lillian.  You can email me by clicking on the email button to your right under “Let’s Stay Connected” and send me your mailing address.  I’ll be sure to get this out in the mail to you next week.  Please share with us something you create with it after you get it.

Thank you to everyone who shared the projects and become new Fans (I call them Friends).  I look forward to getting to know many of you.  I’ll have new things to share soon and my last Guest Design Team post for Design Memory Craft will be up tomorrow, so I hope you’ll come back.