Drug SWAT Team That Gunned Down Ex-Marine Found No Drugs

Posted on the 27 May 2011 by Mikeb302000
It does appear both from the account of the shooting victim's family, and from the raw video footage of this shooting, that there was NOT any appropriate identification by the authorities, nor was there any of the expected opportunity offered the victim to surrender.
If there was ever an example of how guns beget more gun violence rather than making anyone safer, this would be a perfect example.  If there was ever an example of why MikeB sometimes takes exception to the conduct by police and other law enforcement, this would also seem to be a perfect example.
If there was ever an occasion where having looser 'castle' laws didn't work out as intended, this would also seem to be a perfect example.
from appropriately named station KGUN tv news in Tuscon, watch the raw footage here.
(sorry - I had trouble getting the video to embed - maybe you'll have better luck, MikeB or Jadegold?)
from abc news:
SWAT team members acknowledge in interviews that Jose Guerena never fired his weapon before the officers broke down his door and killed him with a barrage of 71 bullets, shown in a dramatic helmet-cam video released Thursday.
Guerena, 26, a veteran of two tours of duty in Iraq, was asleep after working a night shift at the Asarco copper mine when his wife, Vanessa, saw the team outside her youngest son's bedroom window and yelled to her husband. He grabbed his AR-15 rifle.
Vanessa Guerena didn't know the men were SWAT officers and thought they might be home invaders, especially because two members of her sister-in-law's family were killed last year in their Tucson home, her lawyer, Chris Scileppi, said.