Driver a Must for Driverless Cars

Posted on the 20 December 2015 by Technogala @TechnoGala

Google has been trying to introduce Driverless cars for quite sometime and still has not found success following several testings over the years.

On 16th, the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) in California, after a series of tests published draft regulations which outline how the technology could be used on the roads. The regulations say truly driverless cars would be “initially excluded” from operation.

Google has however criticised the DMV for insisting that driverless cars must have a fully licensed driver behind the wheel. Google has also added that its vehicles had been involved in only 16 minor incidents during six years of testing, with humans in other cars to blame thus claiming its project to be a success. However as of now driverless cars will not be allowed on California roads for the foreseeable future.