Drive-by Party

By Twotimesthefun @slcs48n1
The pandemic has brought a lot of what we used to consider "normal" life to a halt. While we're waiting to get through the pandemic, lots of new traditions have sprung up. Today we were part of what might be my favorite new celebration.

Aunt Reenie was planning a low-key celebration for her birthday today. We don't normally celebrate birthdays for adults as a family. This is not a normal time, though.

We gathered at a park near Uncle Steve and Aunt Reenie's house. There were about 20 vehicle, including a fire department ladder truck. Aunt Reenie's dad was a Chicago Fire Department Battalion Chief, so the local fire department was happy to be part of the party. We decorated the cars with balloons and signs. 

The weather was sunny with a brisk breeze. Still, lots of people were outside working in their yards. Our parade set off to the delight of the neighbors. Everyone stopped to watch us go by.

Aunt Reenie was standing in the garage talking to Uncle Steve. By the time our car went by, she was wiping tears from her face. We went back around the block for a second pass by the house.

A few cars stopped, yelled greetings and went home. We might have to stay apart for our health, but that doesn't mean we can't all be together. Our first drive-by surprise party was a success that brought us all together for a some fun and laughter.