Driftless Area Climb Camp Just A Week Away!

Posted on the 07 June 2014 by Earth First! Newswire @efjournal

from EF! Climbers

Wanna learn to climb trees, set up treesits, and build road blockades?  Wanna also hang out with friends in the woods in southern Minnesota, near the Mississippi dang River?Well, come on out to the Earth First! Climbers Guild Climb Camp, June 16th-22nd, in the Driftless Area of southeastern Minnesota!  We’re going to spend a week sharing skills that you can then take back to your home direct action campaigns.  We’ll start with knots, the basics of ascending and descending a rope, and setting anchors, then move into rope mechanics, setting traverses between trees, and raising platforms.Each day will build on the skills learned on the day before, so it’s important for folks to be there on the morning of June 16th.  In order for us to be as prepared as possible, please take a minute to register here:  http://efclimbers.net/events/earth-first-climbers-guild-climb-camp-june-16-22nd/2014-driftless-climb-camp-registration-form/More information can be found at http://www.efclimbers.net.

Get wild (safely) with us.