Dressing up Spuds

By Yonni @vegandthecity

Have you heard of garlic chives?
I hadn't until last week, but once I saw them and considered how flavorful they might be, I added them to my shopping cart!
I had a pound of baby potatoes waiting for me at home and I felt like dressing them up ~ veering away from my usual routine to try something new.  Boy, was I successful!
I washed, scrubbed and cut the potatoes into larger than bite-sized chunks, knowing they would shrink, and tossed them in chopped garlic chives (I cut the green part in 1/2 inch slivers like you would do with chives for texture and color), olive oil and salt and roasted them until they were al dente, tender with a bit of crunch to the bite.

After stumbling across the garlic chives I came across two fabulous sauces ~ Crema Di Asparagi and Sugo al Pomodoro e Funghi Porcini.  The first is a "cream" or puree of asparagus with herbs and olive oil and the second is a tomato-based sauce, a bit thicker than the usual, with porcini mushrooms.  They were likely intended to be used with pasta, or would make a wonderful spread on thick, toasted baguette slices, but I tossed them into the potatoes!
The half I tossed with the asparagus cream were great just like that.  The taste was so rich and decadent!
The other half with the Sugo was good too, but I recommend adding salt & pepper to taste and using truffle oil to roast the potatoes, rather than olive oil.  It would have really enhanced the porcinis.
Now that I've told you all about these delicacies, you probably want to know where to find them!  I discovered them at Eataly and the good news is, they likely have them in their online market.  If that doesn't work, there's always google...