Dress Your Dog Like A Comic Book Super Hero... Captain America, Spiderman, The Avenger, & More

By Petslady @petslady

Marvel Entertainment, a subsidiary of the Walt Disney Company, producer of Marvel Comics, and several lines of items related to comic book heroes, has decided to broaden its global appeal by going after the doggy set.  Soon Marvel will be featuring a whole line of toys, accessories, and clothing for dog super heroes!

Get ready, cause here they come... the whole lineup of your favorites from, Superman to Spiderman.  Here are two of the dog coats released for the public.

Captain America: image via Marvel Entertainment

image via Marvel Entertainment

The 'Marvel Super Hero' pet toys, accessories, and clothing will be sold at PetSmart stores and at Petsmart.com.  Look for them later in the week!

source: press release

That's the buzz for today!