Dress of the Week – a Duchess’ Wedding Dress

By Mmeguillotine @MmeGuillotine


I’ve had this picture on my dashboard for almost a week now so that I can admire its absolute perfection but wasn’t sure how to share it with all of you until I remembered my now apparently defunct but definitely ripe for re-animation Dress of the Week feature.

Anyway, isn’t this just the most heavenly wedding dress? The bride was the adorably charming and highly intelligent twenty three year old Jane McNeill who, perhaps unsurprisingly considering her clearly stunning looks, was a model for Norman Hartnell before she became engaged to the exceedingly eligible (his father was the largest private landowner in Britain) and rather dashing Earl of Dalkeith, heir of the Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry, who was at one point tipped to marry Princess Margaret apparently with the approval of her father, George VI.


The Dalkeith wedding was the society wedding of the year, taking place on the 10th of January 1953 in St Giles Cathedral in Edinburgh and attended by a significant amount of the peerage as well as the new Queen Elizabeth II and most of the royal family. In fact at the time, it’s reported that the upcoming Dalkeith nuptials attracted almost as much column space as the Coronation so fascinated were people by the prospect of a (albeit rather well heeled in her own right) beautiful model marrying into a Ducal family. We can only imagine the stunned reaction when Jane floated down the aisle on the arm of her father in her beautiful dress – I expect there wasn’t a single dry eye to be seen.

Also, it’s pretty similar to the Duchess of Cambridge’s wedding dress, isn’t it? I don’t think this is a style that you can go wrong with really as it’s so beautifully elegant and yet also demure.


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