Dreams and Observations

By Sweetapple19 @sweetappleyard

When I was a little girl, my Dad used to call me the observer. Apparently, when he took me to BBQ's, quite often I would get bored with the mischief of kids my own age and prefer to sit on his knee and listen and observe the adults and all the happenings around me. 
Strange really, as I would not call myself an overly observant person in the practical sense of the word. Sometimes I can't see my keys when I am holding them in my hand. But I guess I do tend to fire up my gigantic imagination while I watch human behavior. I love to watch couples, or friends, or old people or a parent and child together and how they interact. I could watch them for hours and imagine their lives. Over the years, I've had to develop ways to people-watch without looking creepy. Sitting in the waiting room at the doctor, watching as the guy across from me reads something so intensely, he is furrowing his brow into deep creases. And the moment he looks up and catches me. Awkward. Cough. 
But, watching these scenes intently is something I thoroughly enjoy. Because at the end of the day, it is the subtleties of someone's character that make them interesting. And unless you are really looking, they are the easiest to miss. It is the little things someone does when they don't think anyone is watching, or when they drop their guard for just a second, that can reveal hidden beauty or vulnerability.
Where this gets a little weird, is that I even dream about observing people (god I am such a creep, aren't I). Stay with me readers... If you read Flower Crown you will already be accustomed to my vivid dreaming. There is some strange satisfaction in bringing to life a character of my mind that was so complex, but who was destined to be quickly forgotten as the day progressed.
Dreams fascinate me, I believe that sometimes the things we have tucked into our subconscious come seeping through. But often, they mean absolutely nothing at all. They are simply playing film reels of observations. Anyway, long story short, here is a little slice of one of my observation dreams I wrote down upon waking.
I slip my head around the door of the classroom and see him; the man from my past. He is sitting cosily with a brown haired girl, sharing a bench seat at a wooden desk. There is a hustle behind me. People are rushing to classes, but around this couple is a stillness and light.  They have sort of intertwined themselves. You know, in that way that couples do when they are just starting out. Sitting close to each other, but not in a comfortable kind of way. More like two high-school kids with a crush. A little unsure, a little giddy. He has his arm around her, but does not pull her close to him. Instead he looks at her cheekily with a sideways glance. But he isn't really looking at her; not how a man in love looks at a woman. There is closeness and affection and lust, but no real intimacy. Their relationship is new and wonderful, but does not look long-lasting. Not one to carry past the butterflies and the brand new. They are two people who are looking for the one, but instead have found a one, and are just enjoying the company of this mean-time, close-enough love.
Much love and sweet dreams XX
Photo taken in the fog by mwah on a Lumix DMC-G3