Dream Bigger, Shine Brighter

By Jessicavenoy @lovelyjesscuh
Have you ever thought about what you would try to do if you knew that you couldn't fail? Probably anything and everything that your heart desires, right? Well let me tell you something, failure is what makes success sweet. Working toward a goal or a dream requires just that: work. We wouldn't take pride in our success if it was easy to reach them. 

Some of us figure out our dreams and passions sooner than others. And there is nothing wrong with that. I went to college and got my B.A. in mass communications, thinking that once those 4 years were up, I'd have an exact direction as to where I wanted to go in life. Wrong. 
I changed my major 7 times, applied, got accepted & turned down entry to grad school, became a certified personal trainer, and you know what I'm doing now? I'm about to begin a 6-month program to become a certified teacher in the state of Florida. Teaching elementary school has nothing to do with my degree, but I don't think that means my time spent in college was a total waste. Going through all of those changes pushed me. They caused me to examine myself inwardly. They made me grow. I was stretched. And I am grateful. 
I change my career direction often. Some people think I am absolutely crazy. And you know what? I don't care. I refuse to settle for something that my heart isn't in. I refuse to do something that my passion isn't ignited by. 

I want to encourage all of you to dream a little bigger. Push a little harder. Sacrifice things that seem scary. I dare you to live your life without looking back and wondering "what-if." If there is a spark in your heart, ignite it! Let it burn uncontrollably. Do anything and everything that you can to live out what you're passionate about. Because only you can make your dreams come true. If people tell you that you can't, use that as fuel and show them that you can. It's never too late...dream big and shine bright, y'all!