Dream a Little Dream ~ a Sleep Challenge

By Cassiefairy @Cassiefairy

Sounds like my favorite type of challenge. A challenge to sleep. Brilliant. In fact, when I first heard about Dunelm’s sleep challenge, I couldn’t believe it and thought that it must be too good to be true – they want to challenge me to get a better nights sleep over 30 days? This challenge is right up my street! I told them that sleep is one of my favorite things (and that I’m good at it!) and they asked me if I would like to put that to the test…

There are loads of things you can do to get a better nights sleep – here are just a few of the things that Dunelm have suggested and I’m going to make a concerted effort do them all this month:

  1. Ban the TV and food from your bedroom – it should be a place of relaxation and rest so getting rid of distractions will help your mind and body relax (we don’t have a TV in the bedroom but I must remember not to take cheeky snacks to bed with me oops!)
  2. Try wearing a pair of socks before you go to bed, research suggests that warming your feet before bed helps your body relax (Sounds lovely and snuggly to me, so bed-socks are on the to-do list!)

3. Install Blackout blinds in your bedroom to block out light from the outside that might disturb you. See our range here: www.dunelm-mill.com/shop/curtains/blackout/ (I have badgered hubby to put up blackout blinds and they are finally in place – see pic above!)

4. Create a bedtime routine for yourself – just like children, adults benefit from having a set of actions that they always do before bed. It helps your mind prepare itself for sleep (I will quite enjoy having a bit of a wind-down before bed and will even try to ban using technology for half an hour before bed)

5. Cut out your afternoon cup of tea or coffee – even if you don’t feel like it affects your sleeping,  caffeine is a stimulant and you should notice a difference (not sure about this one, because I LOVE my cups of tea, but I’ll give it a go for the sake of the challenge and maybe swap that evening cuppa for a Horlicks or something)

So here I am with parcels full of goodies from Dunelm and a promise of a better nights sleep. What more could a girl want? I’ll let you know how I get on! Please tweet me with any tips on getting a better nights sleep @Cassiefairy and use hashtag #30daysofsleep