
By Sandy16

Dreadlocks are cool. But caring for them is not easy and even surrounded by a dozen myths. Let’s figure out how to wash dreadlocks and look for the best means to care of them.

These days, fans of dreadlocks can be found not only in Jamaica. Now, first of all, this hairstyle is a reflection of the inner world and the interests of the person who wears it. It symbolizes liberalism, freedom loving, and creative beginning. But in any other case, “braided curls” require care. For example, deciding to get inspired by Bob Marley’s hairdo, it’s logical to first figure out how to wash dreadlocks.

   Use a small amount of a cleanser, which is easily washed off the hair without leaving a film. Shampoo with an abundance of silicones in the composition is not suitable for dreadlocks.

   Apply shampoo to the scalp between the dreadlocks. Carefully treat the skin, removing dirt.

   Leave the cleanser for a few minutes and rinse with warm water. If necessary, treat some parts of the head again. But do not overdo it, otherwise you risk to have fluffing strands.

It may seem that dreadlocks allow you to take less care of your hair. In fact, they are very vulnerable. Do you want your strands to look well-groomed even after a few months?

First, you need to choose the right products for cleansing the hair and scalp in Midtown Barbershop. Having dreadlocks, they need to be washed, but it is better not to do this too often (the daily regimen will not work). Of course, after a shower, your hair will become more pleasant to the touch, but after drying, the strands will fluff, which will worsen the appearance of dreadlocks.

In addition, the frequency of washing is important: it is advisable to clean the hair at regular intervals. At first, there may be a regular desire to use shampoo soon. Try to choose a certain period of time (for example, once every four days) and wash your hair in this way for a month.

After this time, you can wash your hair as often as you like. However, many dreadlock owners are advised to reduce the use of cleansers to an acceptable minimum.

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