Dreading Valentine’s Day and My Last Day of 49

By Bren @Virtual_Bren

Dreading Valentine’s Day and Going On 50

I was just thinking how much I’ve already dreaded Valentine’s Day and then I just remembered it’s my last day of being in my 40’s. Wow. Should I celebrate that or not even get out of bed? If you reached that age what did you do on your last day of 49?

Going on 50 has been quite the journey for me this past year.

  •  Divorce – The year ended with divorce.
  •  Illness – Mom diagnosed with terminal cancer at year’s end.
  •  Becoming a Grandmother – Later this year.
  •  Friends – Connected with old friends.
  •  Job – I switched jobs at the same company at the beginning of last year.

Dreading Valentine’s Day

I guess it began when I was a teenager and got dumped shortly after Valentine’s Day and my birthday. It really set the tone for me going forward around those 2 days. My 1st ex-husband didn’t even buy me a card several of those years. Talk about dreading it more in adulthood! And of course I always got the double celebration of the 2 days into one.
Walking through a drugstore this week and seeing all the Valentine’s stuff made me realize it is so commercialized. It appears it’s more about the money than the actual day itself. I was invited to the Dad Chat on Twitter last week – the topic Valentine’s Day!

@Lisapatb @GinaValley – Lisa, I wonder if you are the ONLY woman who disdains #ValentinesDay tonight at #DadChat

— Bruce Sallan (@BruceSallan) February 7, 2014

Divorced Twice

This was a hard one for me to accept, how could I make 2 such major mistakes? I always remembered as a kid reading my horoscope sign by Linda Goodman, she stated “You will be married several times.” I remember laughing thinking yeah right, I’ll be like my parents and only be married once forever. And bedsides I didn’t plan on being a movie star.

Living Each Day as Your Last

I always thought about that and it’s more pronounced now with my mom’s condition and my turning 50. It’s like that day will really come. As a friend of mine in her mid-50’s says “Life’s not a dress rehearsal at this age, this is it for us now.”


I‘ve been blessed to have great friends throughout my lifetime and this hasn’t changed going on fifty. It’s been wonderful to still have some friends for 30 plus years along with make new friends these past few years.

Jobs at Fifty

Turning 50 on the job also gives one much food for thought. Many people who lose their jobs in their fifties have a harder time finding another. I’ve been working on plan B and C for years so I’m not worried anymore about that. I’m in an industry that is losing jobs among downsizing each passing year.

Turning 50

In the end turning 50 is about letting go of things that really don’t matter including fear and worry. We realize we can’t change some things, so why worry about them?

“50 years: here’s a time when you have to separate yourself from what other people expect of you, and do what you love. Because if you find yourself 50 years old and you aren’t doing what you love, then what’s the point?”  – Jim Carrey

If you turned 50 how did you feel about? If you are not there yet, do you still think 50 is old or is the new 40?

After all doesn’t life begin at 50?  

Birthday tea party image Courtesy of Craftyjoe / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Valentine Dice Image Courtesy of Boians Cho Joo Young / FreeDigitalPhotos.net