Draw Me in Shapes.

By Teaantoast @teaantoastblog

I HAVE MY FIRST TATTOO!! AAAHHH!!! I've wanted one for soooo long, I even did this post back in June 2010 about how much I've wanted a tattoo but I've just been an absolute wimp about it for so long!

I didn't get one purely for the fact I wanted to get something that would mean something to me rather than getting one for the sake of it.

Me and Kate (my flatmate and business partner) have the same one in the same place. It's the logo for our shop and it's something I'm exceptionally proud of, even if it fails, which it won't(!) It's something that I'm proud to say I've tried and put my guts into. 
Yes it's just a triangle and yes it did take like 5 minutes but MAN I WAS BRAVE (lol) I WAS SO SCARED!! Kate had to hold my hand and I literally moved my arm away from the bloke about 4 times before allowing him to do this to me! What was I scared of? It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. At all!