The wedding ceremony was organized at the Sun N Sand hotel in Mumbai completely according to Hindu Traditions. This very popular Hindu wedding was a grand event, attended by several very popular television celebrities and family members. Several TV stars like Sanaya Irani, Mouni Roy, Nakuul Mehta, Sanjeeda Sheik, Vivian Dsena, Vahbiz Dorabjee and many others graced the couple with their presence. Drashti Dhami is the winner of winner of Jhalak Dikhla Jaa season 6, and has been known for her beauty ever. She performed very well in several TV daily soaps including Dil Mil Gaye, Madhubala and Geet. Neeraj Khemka is a businessman who is dating the actress from last 6 years, and finally decided to get hitched with her.
The couple looked stunning in their wedding ceremony, where the bride wore a very beautiful wedding dress in red and maroon hues in different events, including the Sangeet (Music Ceremoney), wedding ceremony, and reception. The reception ceremony was also followed by the wedding at the same venue with some very close guests.
We wish the couple a very happy and prosperous married life ahead.