Dramatic Video Shows Massive Sandstorm Ripping Through Parts Of Northwest China

Posted on the 25 July 2022 by Geetikamalik

Dramatic videos have appeared online from a giant storm that tearing the Northwestern Chinese region last week.
According to Accuweather, a strong dust storm roared on Wednesday above the provinces of Qinghai, which is located in the northwest of China. The videos show the sandstorm that stretches into the sky across the desert landscape, towards the driver who is trapped in his road.

CNN reports that the sandstorm lasts about four hours. One of the most devastated locations is Haixi Mongols and Tibetan Autonomy Prefecture. The storm reportedly forced the trip to stop when residents and tourists were equally protected in place.

Fortunately, there were no victims reported as a result of this sandstorm. According to a separate report by the South China Morning Post, during the peak strength of a large storm, visibility dropped below 200 meters in several cities of Qinghai Province. Even removing the sun.

Meanwhile, China also struggled against intense heat, like several other countries around the world. According to Accuweather, since mid -June, large parts of North, East and Middle China have experienced high temperatures. The fortune teller also said that the assistance from heat in all parts of China was not expected in the coming days.

Extreme temperatures are also seen in Europe this year. The hot waves have caused forest fires to erupt in Spain, France, Greece and Italy. Separately, the United Nations has warned that heat waves will become more frequent and intense in the coming years.

The post Dramatic Video Shows Massive Sandstorm Ripping Through Parts Of Northwest China first appeared on TheDivineMantra.