Drama Is Not a Coincidence

Posted on the 06 December 2010 by Stoffbyrd
One on my main principals on relationships is that women who don't love themselves can't love you.Thus, my insistence that you should never date a woman with low self esteem. And you probably shouldn't be dating until you solve your own internal issues as well. I mean how can you love another person until you first love yourself.
However, I also think there may be a small segment of women who do love themselves and do have high self-esteem but will still sabotage their relationships simply due to their love of drama. Sure, you love her and treat her right, but she doesn't care. Not because she doesn't love herself (thus can't accept love) but because she already does think highly of herself and doesn't need you to reinforce it. She's fine with herself, now she just needs some excitement!
You go girl...
Girls who value the emotional ups and downs of drama over building a trusting relationship are not right for you. Of course, most women have at least some interest and gossip and drama. Hey, we all do to an extent. It's normal. But in my opinion, women who constantly seem drawn to the dramatic is a huge red flag. Remember, drama is not a coincidence.
Whether she has low self esteem or high self esteem, women who love drama will sabotage your relationship.
Relationship Killer #1: Women With Low Self-Esteem
Women with low self-esteem will always sabotage your relationship (cheat, dump you) because they don't love themselves. When you act really sweet and nice to a person who doesn't like themselves, they will think you are a loser and dump you.
Relationship Killer #2: Women Who Love Drama
Women who love drama may like themselves and have high self esteem but it doesn't matter. Drama, uncertainty and excitement are always more important than maintaining a stable partnership. At some point you will be cheated on and unceremoniously dumped.
Drama and LSE are the two biggest Red Flags.