Dragon Con 2014: An Iconic True Blood Panel

Posted on the 01 September 2014 by Tbfansource @tbfansource

One of the things that has become apparent during Dragon Con 2014 thus far is that this year’s True Blood panelists don’t need an awful lot of questions in order to make the panel interesting. The overarching theme of Saturday’s panel was iconic characters. In this particular instance, Nelsan (Lafayette Reynolds), Michael (Steve Newlin), and Kristin (Pamela Swynford de Beaufort) don’t feel like that’s what they’ve done is iconic. For them it was a matter of just being on set, working, and having fun with co-stars. But as Kristin said now that they’re starting to see and interact with the fans, they’re starting to get a sense of what an impact the final season and series as a whole has had. Iconic actually ended up becoming a running gag throughout the panel because they didn’t consider what they did that way. It’s really the fans who decide that.

A fan also asked a question regarding whether or not the characters the cast played became more suited to their personalities as time went on. Michael said that Steve wasn’t that way for him in season two just due to the fact that he had been written before the writers got the opportunity to see Michael act. But upon his return, Steve reflected more of Michael’s personality. He also observed that Nelsan and Kristin’s personalities seemed to come into their characters as well over time. Kristin agreed with this assessment and then of course Nelsan had to do a bit of Lafayette upon request. (It was awesome!) Kristin was also asked about her costumes which she loved and Nelsan also chimed in about Lafayette’s look that he said Alan Ball had scaled back on.

We even learned a fun fact during the panel. Kristin was answering a fan question about what she wanted to see Eric (Alexander Skarsgård) and Pam up to after the finale. Kristin said she’d love to see Pam’s closet and the house that she imagines that the two share together. It was during this answer that Michael revealed that Pam drives a prius! He wanted the car she drove for a True Blood comic he wrote and Alan Ball confirmed that it is a prius. McMillian chose it himself initially because he figured Pam was an environmentally conscious individual given she has to live on earth longer than most.

Nelsan also discussed the laundry list of Lafayette wardrobe he has at home from seven years of shooting and although it will take awhile to process what they’ve taken away from this panel, he mentioned that he would miss all of the memories that had been created going to work every day. Enjoy the photos and videos below!

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