Dr. Drew’s TV Show Cancelled, 9 Days After He Raised Concerns About Hillary Clinton’s Health

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

A month to the day after she said on camera to a reporter that “Obama is gay and Michelle is a tranny,” Joan Rivers was pronounced dead from a routine endoscopy. (See “RIP – Joan Rivers”)

Now it’s Dr. Drew Pinsky — board-certified internist, addiction medicine specialist, and media personality who has a TV talk show called Dr. Drew On Call on HLN.

On August 16, 2016, Dr. Drew broke ranks with the MSM’s lockstep denial of the many disturbing signs of Hillary Clinton’s health problems. In an interview on KABC 790AM’s McIntyre In The Morning, Dr. Drew called the symptoms displayed by Hillary “bizarre” and said he’s concerned about the antiquated level of health care she’s receiving, especially the anti-coagulant Coumadin she’s prescribed.

Asked about Hillary’s health, Dr. Drew said:

“The fact is she released her medical records some time ago, and if you listened to my show last week, I just called a friend of mine, Dr. Robert Heisinger, who is an excellent internist pulmonologist. We just dispassionately sat and evaluated the medical record that she had released, and based on the information…her doctors have provided, we were gravely concerned, not just about her healthcare — not her health, but her health care…. Both of us concluded that if we were providing the care that she was receiving, we’d be ashamed to show up in a doctors’ lounge — we’ll be laughed out. She’s receiving sort of 1950-level of care, by our evaluation. So here’s the basic facts, and by the way, before I launch into it, and if your saw the New York Times this morning the science section, a front-page article about the so-called Goldwater Rule for psychiatrists being urged from an ethical perspective not to ‘psycho-analyze’ political figures — people that they don’t have a chance to evaluate. I would put in that they’re saying this thing needs ot change — it may be even our ethnical obligation to evaluate leaders. There’s a giant difference between psychoanalzing somebody and looking at medical symtoms that are apparent as a result of people’s behavior.”

Next, Dr. Drew defended Donald Trump, arguing against the KABC host who said Trump is a malignant narcissist. Dr. Drew said that children of malignant narcissists flee and don’t want to be around them, but Trump’s children don’t flee from him and are well put-together. Dr. Drew does concede that Trump may have hypomania, given his speeches, his tireless energy, and his getting and needing only 4 hours of sleep a night. But Dr. Drew says hypomania may be exactly what we want from a president. Then Dr. Drew returns to the subject of Hillary’s health:

“So we took a look at her record, and here’s the basic fact — she had two episodes of what’s called deep venous thrombosis. Common problem: blood clots in the leg. She also has hypothyroidism and she’s being treated for hypothyroidism with something called armour thyroid, which is very unconventional and something that we used to use back in the ‘sixties (1960s). And both he and I went, ‘Hmm, that’s weird.” And by the way, wow, armour thyroid sometimes has weird side effects. Oh well, okay, she’s on Coumadin. That’s weird, because Coumadin really isn’t used anymore. Now we use Eliquis or Xarelto, or things like that. I’m assuming a presidential candidate would get one of the newer anti-coagulants. Then she falls, hits her head, as a complication of that, something called a transverse sinus thrombosis. This is an exceedingly rare clot. I’ve only seen one of these in my career, which is a clot in the collecting system for the cerebral spinal fluid, and essentially guarantees that somebody has something wrong with their coagulation system. Well, she’s had two clots, a transverse sinus thrombosis. What’s wrong with her coagulation system? Has that been evaluated? And oh, by the way, armour thyroid? Associated rarely with hypercoagulability! So the very medicine the doctors are using may be causing this problem, and they’re using an old-fashioned medicine to treat it. What is going on with her health care? It’s bizarre.”

Later that day, KABC deleted Dr. Drew’s interview from its website.

Yesterday, August 25, 2016, 9 days after Dr. Drew’s KABC interview, HLN, the sister network of CNN, cancelled Dr. Drew’s TV show.

Such is the long arm of Hillary Clinton, who isn’t (yet) elected President. Imagine what a President Hillary would do . . . .

See also:

  • Papers of closest friend show Hillary Clinton to be ruthless & vengeful
  • Hillary Clinton refuses to release her up-to-date detailed medical records
  • Website offers $1M bounty for Hillary Clinton’s medical records
  • Arkancide: lawyer of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange dead
