Dr. Death Opens Shop in Berkeley

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Last month, California became the 5th and most populous state to adopt a law legalizing physician-assisted suicide after Governor Jerry Brown signed the End of Life Option Act last year. The new law went into effect on June 9.

And in Berkeley, the belly of the liberal beast, the new law drew an emergency-room physician out of retirement to open a one-stop-shop for killing people, at a price of $2,000 per pop.

His name is Lonny Shavelson, age mid-60s, and he’s opened California’s first End of Life Options clinic in the Bay Area — apparently a cottage office in his backyard in Berkeley (his clinic’s mailing address is a mailbox in a UPS Store) — where he will consult with and provide lethal prescriptions for patients who request them, refused by other doctors who actually hold true to their professional Hippocratic oath of “First do no harm” and “Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. Above all, I must not play at God.”

Lisa Aliferis of KQED reports that Shavelson’s website, Bay Area End of Life Options, went up in April, and he’s outlined the law at “grand rounds” at several Bay Area hospitals this spring. His practice will be focused on consulting not only with physicians whose patients request aid-in-dying, but also with patients themselves, including offering care to patients who choose him as their “attending end-of-life physician.”

Vladislav Davidzon, a reader of the KQED article with a visceral hatred of traditional, i.e., orthodox Christians, is ecstatic over Berkeley hosting Doctor Death:

“This is huge progress in every sense of the word. At a time when basic human rights like abortion are under attack from the WhiteSIS YallQaeda American-Taliban religious subset of our population, it’s truly inspiring to see California steadily marching forward toward real human progress.

We certainly need to fumigate out and eradicate the corrosive, backward and destructive infestation of religion in our government throughout America (we do have this thing called separation of church and state). It is unthinkable and immoral that for so many decades those deranged mentally-ill elements of our population have been directly responsible for extraordinary levels of suffering because of their dark-age and backward religious beliefs.

Things like this are what I love about Berkeley….”

Under the California law, two doctors must agree that a mentally competent patient has six months or fewer to live. The patient then agrees in writing to administer the lethal prescription themselves. Currently, the law does not mandate doctors to provide lethal prescriptions if they choose not to do so.

Dr. Burton Presberg, an Oakland psychiatrist who works specifically with cancer patients and their families, said he’s concerned that patients suffering from clinical depression at the end of life, sometimes feel they are a burden to family members who could “really push for the end of life to happen a little sooner than the patient themselves.” Expressing concerns that physicians may not be aware of patients’ depression, Presberg nevertheless enthuses that “it’s really good that this [euthanasia] is an option.”

Shavelson, Davidzon, Presberg — all Jewish surnames. It is curious how enthralled some (fake) Jews are with death, given the Holocaust.

“…those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars….” –Revelation 3:9
