DPRK and China Complete Agreements After Intergovernmental Committee Meeting

Posted on the 09 January 2013 by Michael_nklw @Michael_NKLW

The 7th meeting of the DPRK-China Intergovernmental Cooperation Committee on Economics, Trade Science and Technology in Pyongyang on 9 January 2013 (Photos: KCNA)

DPRK state media reported on 9 January (Wednesday) that the 7th DPRK-China Intergovernmental Cooperation Committee in Economics, Trade, Science and Technology was held in Pyongyang.  The DPRK’s leading representative at the meeting was Vice Minister of Foreign Trade Ku Pon Tae (Ku Pon-t’ae) and at the head of China’s delegation was PRC Vice Minister of Commerce Li Jinzao.  Also in attendance was PRC Ambassador to the DPRK Liu Hongcai.  According to KCNA, “meeting reviewed successes and experience gained in expanding and developing economy and trade between the two countries in the past period and discussed boosting the bilateral cooperation in the future.”

Signing ceremony for trade and construction agreements between the DPRK and China. Li Jinzao shakes hands with Ri Sok Chol (L) and Ku Pon Tae (R) (Photos: KCNA screengrabs)

Agreements on economic and technology cooperation between the DPRK and China and  on the construction of administrative office buildings in the Raso’n (Rajin-So’nbong) and Hwanggu’mp’yo’ng special economic trade zones was signed between the two countries at a subsequent ceremony.  Attending the signing ceremony from the DPRK were Ku Pon Tae, Vice Minister of Agriculture and Vice Chairman of the Commission for Joint Venture and Investment Ri Sok Chol and other DPRK foreign trade officials.  Attending the ceremony from the PRC were PRC Vice Minister of Commerce Li Jinzao, at the head of a PRC foreign trade delegation, Ambassador Liu Hongcai and PRC embassy officials.  Ri Sok Chol and Ku Pon Tae signed the agreements on behalf of the DPRK and Li Jinzao signed on behalf of China.

Filed under: critical infrastructure, DPRK Cabinet, DPRK External Relations, DPRK-China Relations, food production, Hwanggumphyong (Hwanggu'mp'yo'ng) Economic Zone, JVIC, Korea Foreign Investment and Economic Cooperation Committee, Korean Workers' Party (KWP), land and enviroment, local people's committees, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Trade, nason, North Korean press, Rajin-So'nbong People's Committee, Raso'n Economic Zone, State Planning Commission (SPC), transportation, transportation--airports/aviation, transportation--railways