Dozens of Obama’s Sons & Daughters Brawl at AZ State Fair

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

In his brilliant bestseller on evil, People of the Lie, the late psychiatrist M. Scott Peck, M.D., wrote that we can’t hope to cure a disease if we refuse to name it.

Once again, however, America’s pusillanimous media cower from naming the disease by refusing to report the truth.

This time, it is a “brawl” at the Arizona State Fair in Phoenix.

And as in so many similar brawls, flash mobs, knock-out games race riots, the media use the coy euphemism of “teens” in place of “blacks” — a fact that you can see with your own eyes in these screen shots I took from the 3TV news video.

Karen Brown reports for 3TV that more than two dozen teens were arrested after a large fight on the first night of the Arizona State Fair, Oct. 10, 2014.

Police say as many as 60 “teens” from the same neighborhood were involved in the fight. The “teens” even began fighting with police officers who stepped in.

An adult woman was seen kicking and hitting a police officer. She was one of two adults arrested.

The fight continued several blocks from the fairgrounds, located at 19th Avenue and McDowell Road.

The Arizona Department of Public Safety said that 35 “teens” were arrested and released to their parents.

About 75 officers from multiple agencies were assigned to the state fair.
“To prevent this from happening again, we’re gonna have a stronger presence here, said Maj. Ken Hunter with the Arizona Department of Public Safety. “At the gate, there will be more aggressive searches and we will be very visible throughout the rest of the fair.”

See also:
