Downtime, How Do YOU Unwind?

By Yourfamilysurvivalcoach @shari_brewer

Sometimes, and just sometimes, there is an inch of a moment during the day where nothing is being demanded of you and you can let loose for just a bit. Downtime. YOU time. Woohoo time.

So, how do you spend it?

Because time free of rushing around is such a rarity, it can be difficult knowing how to spend it wisely, so as not to waste a precious drop.

Here are some ideas to get bang-for-buck from your you-time, even if you need to plan it in advance and mark it on your to-do list:

  • enjoy a hobby that has spin-off benefits for your body and/or intellect – like reading, yoga, bushwalking
  • crafts such as cardmaking, scrapbooking etc are great for unwinding whilst also creating something for yourself or others
  • unwind by donating your time to help others – many charity organisations could use your assistance
  • join a club or group so you get to socialise with others whilst enjoying your downtime
  • rest and recharge – completely guilt free – if that’s what your body needs. Listening to your body’s fuel gauge will help you operate at your optimum

Reading is my favorite downtime thing to do and I’ve literally hundreds of books on my iPad awaiting the Christmas break.

What’s YOUR little you-time activity?

photo credit: AstridWestvang via photopin cc