While natural gas leads the list, it does not represent a majority of the energy consumed. Click here for a graphic generated by the Wall Street Journal which served as the source for this information.
All figures are in British Thermal Units (trillions):
Nonrenewable sources: 66,968 (89.2% of total energy consumed)
- Natural gas: 24,781 (33%)
- Coal: 22,077 (29.4%)
- Crude Oil: 11,669 (15.5%)
- Nuclear: 8,441 (11.2%)
Renewable sources: 8,064 (10.8%)
- Biomass: 4,310 (5.7%)
- Hydroelectric: 2,509 (3.3%)
- Wind: 924 (1.2%)
- Geothermal: 212 (0.3%)
- Solar: 109 (0.15%)
Image source: Metropolitan Museum of Art