Double, Double Toil and Trouble, Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble

Posted on the 16 March 2016 by Jezebel282

Since the original Jezebel hung up her hat, Stratford has been running rampant with fodder for this blog and that is why this Jezebel is impassioned to continue her legacy.  Here are just some of the political antics that have occurred of late:

  • February 19th – DTC Chairman Len Petruccelli steps down and endorses Dick Brown to take his place, but at the March 7th DTC meeting, former Councilwoman Stephanie Phillips was nominated and took the reigns as the new chair of the DTC.  Congratulations Stephanie!
  • March 8th – Stratford’s BOE is asking for $107.9 MILLION.  That number is $8 MILLION more than they were given last year.  It was “rubber stamped” by BOE Chair Jim Feehan and sent over to Mayor Harkins who is supporting it as well, albeit slightly short of the $8 MILLION.  Do we really think all this money will go to our children?  We will need more a lot more accounting and oversight at the BOE to ensure that happens!
  • March 15th – Stratford High School renovations are approved by the Town Council.  The Council approved an ordinance that increased the appropriation of the project to $125.9 million and voted to amend a previous ordinance that would allow for the issuance of $65 million in bonds to pay for the Stratford’s portion of the project.
  • Big surprise to everyone – Beaver Dam has beavers!  Who knew?  And, the Roosevelt Forrest Commission apparently with much pressure from the Town voted to trap and kill these animals in a very inhumane way.  If anyone attended last night’s public forum and witnessed the trap demonstration you would agree too.  Much research indicates though that the beavers will only return, so trapping and killing them will be an ongoing venture and therefore a continued waste of taxpayer dollars.  Maybe some of those traps can be loaned out to Town Hall as they have a serious rodent infestation that needs to be dealt with as well.
  • Before departing her council seat Stephanie Phillips outlined the perfect plan to balance the budget and close the $5mm plus hole with no cuts in services.  But now the new Town Council seems to be bickering over how to balance it and make things right.  Are promises to the people going to be upheld?  Or will our taxes increase again?

Oh and all those take-home vehicles are still being taken home!  Fiscal responsibility?  No not really….