Double Chin Reduction - How To Lose Chin Fat

By Vicknesh @wellhealthblog
No one "plans" on adding chins as we get older. But, stuff happens, and next thing we know chin fat deposits build-up to the point where we sport one or even two "new chins". Sagging loose skin, body fat accumulations, a slow decline in neck and face muscle timbre and you've got the perfect storm combination for undermining your confidence and body image.Clothes can mask a dough-boy middle aged body, but our neck and face "hang out" for the public to see, and judge. How to get rid of chin fat safely, effectively so that you can feel better about your body shape, to again feel more confident, youthful and attractive? Modern day answers for reducing chin fat trend towards science, technology and consumer convenience in the form of non invasive ultrasound and radio frequency treatment programs.No Pain Low Impact Ultrasound For Chin Fat Reduction.Everyone has seen the exam room images where the medical pro gently moves the ultrasound device over the pregnant mom's belly, and images of the fetus appear in the overhead screen. Low impact, non invasive ultrasound for reducing chin fat is based to a large extent on this same technology concept. Here's the difference. Your board-certified physician is trained to apply slightly higher ultrasonic energy levels, all carefully calibrated to "focus" at a depth (sub-dermal) where your chin fat cells accumulate.What happens next is that your chin fat cells naturally absorb the ultrasound energy, literally "heating up" until the cell structure collapses, making for a safe quick and effective extraction. How much chin fat can you lose? Bodies vary, however with several treatments spaced over weeks or a month, you could easily lose several pounds of unwanted chin fat.
How To Lose Chin Fat By Dissolving It.Beginning in the 1950's a range of fat-management drugs hit the market, principally for use in cardio-vascular and cholesterol reducing treatment programs. European cosmetic practitioners had the classic "Ah hah" insight when they realized that these same approved drugs might have another life in addressing body contouring challenges such as reducing chin fat. Lipodissolve is the 21st century outcome of the past 20 years of work in Europe and the USA to give people another safe, low impact non surgical options for reducing difficult-to-manage chin fat deposits.Here's the scoop on how Lipodissolve addresses chin fat accumulation without the need for wholesale chin or neck lift cosmetic surgery. Your Lipodissolve treatment will be administered by a certified medical professional. Prior to treatment, you can co-opt a treatment plan as to how much chin fat you can realistically remove, and how that relates to your overall body contouring goals.You'll receive a number of injections, in a controlled pattern, at locations where your chin fan deposits have expanded the most. Your chin fat cells absorb the combination enzyme-mild medication mixture, the fat cells harden, then over the next two weeks post-treatment your chin fat cells will begin to atrophy to become reabsorbed and then expelled by your body.Reduce Total Chin Fat Cells And They Don't Come Back.Since necks and chins are difficult to "exercise" in any meaningful sense, the matter of increasing chin fat deposits over the years can confound the best of us, leaving us frustrated and disappointed with our appearance. So many factors come into play to make correction difficult. Lifestyle, family genetics, diet, stress, absence of free time for exercise due to family and work responsibilities and the list goes on.
A theory gaining traction within the medical community is that your body creates a finite number of fat cells, which remain in circulation in a smaller size. With an excess of calories over your "burn rate" fat cells absorb the additional energy increase, and begin their steady accumulation around our waist, buttocks, thigh, face and of course leads us to chin fat deposits. Message? Reduce or remove fat cells and you've reduced future potentials for fat aggregation.By Robin Derry
Double Chin Reduction - How To Lose Chin Fat