Dots Jukebox: New Music Part 10 – Vikesh Kapoor, London Grammar and Colleen Green

Posted on the 27 June 2014 by Music Vstheworld @musicvstheworld

As part of the run-up to my 100th Dots Jukebox, I wanted to do something a little bit different. I asked my music loving friends on Twitter to suggest their favorite song by a new artist (or the most recent they can think of), asking them to do so secretly. I compiled all suggestions, and instead of the normal Dots Jukebox evening, I’ve written a one line review of every song and will be revealing them over the course of two days.

First up is Vikesh Kapoor‘s Blue-Eyed Baby, selected by @amarettopirate. The song is from Kapoor’s 2013 album The Ballad of Willy Robbins.

DOTTY VIEW: Earnest, jarring, honest lyrics with absolutely minimal, albeit lovingly composed, guitar music. I’m captured at the point Kapoor’s voice seems to crack with emotion 1 minute 26 seconds in. Hear the song right here…

London Grammar‘s song Strong from their 2013 debut album If You Wait is the choice of @playthis.

DOTTY VIEW: Enthralling, graceful, soulful, sophisticated and exhilirating. This song could be someone’s secret treasure, but at the same time a crowd pleaser. Magic. Wrap your ears around it now…

@theboywilliams has selected Colleen Green and her song Darkest Eyes from her 2013 album, Sock it to Me.

DOTTY VIEW: Sweeping, almost lazy, vocals, moody guitars and basic but appropriate percussion all remind me slightly of Rilo Kiley (who I’m a huge fan of). I really like the imprecise moments within the song – it’s not perfect, but it’s not pretending to be. I like that. Listen for yourself right here…

That concludes this ten part Dots Jukebox new music playlist. Thank you to all those who suggested songs and artists to me! It’s always good to hear music I’ve not heard before, and I hope the readers/listeners have enjoyed it as much as I have!