Donations for the Central Texas Fires

By Michelle Hernandez @Familylovesa
(Photo from Distribution Center for Victims of Bastrop County Fires Facebook Page)

Imagine that this is the view driving into your neighborhood.  The Central Texas fires started this past weekend and are only 30% contained.
In a statement from the Texas Forest Service, 1,386 structures have been destroyed, and 20 subdivisions remain evacuated.
We have started a donation collection to take to the Distribution Center for Bastrop County Fires in Smithville, Texas.
We are taking everything but clothing and furniture. Gloves, baby items, diapers, food, drinks, pillows, blankets, school supplies, toiletries are all needed.
If you would like to donate, please email me at
We appreciate any support, and if any local businesses would like to be a drop off station, we would love to work with you!
Check out the Facebook page for the Distribution Center for the Victims of the Bastrop County Fires for more information. It is public, so a FB account is not needed.