Donald Trump Won’t Fire Sean Spicer Because ‘that Guy Gets Great Ratings’

Posted on the 25 April 2017 by Sumithardia

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Did you know that Sean Spicer is tiny? I never realized how short he is until this ^^ photo, where we get to see him standing next to Donald Trump. Trump is a tallish guy, well over 6 foot tall. And Spicer is what? Like, maybe 5’6”, if that? I’m surprised Trump doesn’t stand next to Spicer more often, just so Trump will get to look biglier. Anyway, for the past 100 Days of Bigly, everyone has been hating Sean Spicer. Spicer is the White House press secretary and he’s terrible at his job. He can’t speak, he can’t pronounce words, he lies constantly and he thinks German Jews who died in the Holocaust were not innocent. At all. For several weeks, people wondered who would be fired first, Steve Bannon or Sean Spicer. We’re still waiting on the Bannon firing, but Emperor Bigly wants us to know that he’ll never fire Spicey.
During a small working lunch at the White House last month, the question of job security in President Trump’s tumultuous White House came up, and one of the attendees wondered whether press secretary Sean Spicer might be the first to go.
The president’s response was swift and unequivocal. “I’m not firing Sean Spicer,” he said, according to someone familiar with the encounter. “That guy gets great ratings. Everyone tunes in.”
Trump even likened Spicer’s daily news briefings to a daytime soap opera, noting proudly that his press secretary attracted nearly as many viewers.
[From WaPo]
The same article also notes that Bigly’s staffers and now foreign diplomats have figured out the way to speak La Lingua de Bigly, which is… appear on one of his favorite cable news shows or just watch his favorite cable news shows. If a White House staffer wants a heads-up on the fires they’ll be putting out throughout the day, the staffer just has to watch Fox & Friends and wait for Bigly’s tweets about it. If a diplomat or staffer wants to reach Bigly with a nuanced argument about anything, they’ve figured out that the best way to reach him is through a television interview. WaPo also says that Bigly basically watches cable news all day, from first thing in the morning until late at night. He really is Peak Fox News Viewer, isn’t he?

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