Donald Trump Will Never Get Another Invite To Anna Wintour’s Rich People Costume Party

Posted on the 26 October 2017 by Sumithardia

Donald Trump Will Never Get Another Invite To Anna Wintour’s Rich People Costume Party

There is nothing more terrifying than the thought of having Anna Wintour give a nasty-ass stare-down to me and my chosen costume of pleated J. Crew chinos from 1998 and a ratty T-shirt. But it’s funny when she does it to someone else, so it was great to see her go full nuclear Wintour on Donald Trump.

Anna dropped by James Corden’s The Late Late Show on Wednesday, and it wasn’t just to drink tea and eat crumpets and talk about the jolly ol’ England. Instead, they played Anna’s second favorite game to sideline salivating over Roger Federer: bitchy comments! Actually, they playedSpill Your Guts Or Fill Your Guts,” where James makes people dish secrets or eat disgusting things. What’s disgusting to Anna is delicious to me. Only air and the fear wafting off interns is delicious to Anna. She’s disgusted by bacon-wrapped pizza, doughnut sandwiches, and fast food. James, proving he might just be able to de-throne Andy Cohen as shit-stirrer-in-chief, asked Anna to rank her favorite designers. She said Tom Ford was best just because she had dinner with him the night before. And when tasked with either saying who she would not invite back to her Met Gala or eat pickled pig’s feet, she quickly barked, “Donald Trump.

Even though James clammed up and ate a ton of nasty shit just to avoid answering anything (much to the relief of his booking agent), Anna had no problem dishing. James asked her what it was like sleeping with Bob Marley, and she said it was fake news since they never met. BUT when asked if she would have if she had met him, Anna took on the same smile I assume she does when she gets to tell her interns they won’t be working at Vogue but she’ll be sure to put in a good word at Highlights For Children. Then she bellowed, “ABSOLUTELY!” Same, girl. Same.


Source: Donald Trump Will Never Get Another Invite To Anna Wintour’s Rich People Costume Party

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