Donald Trump and Mexico’s Culture of Rape

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Donald Trump

On June 16, 2015, when Donald Trump announced he’s a candidate for the Republican Party’s nomination in the 2016 presidential election, he said this about the illegals whom the Obama administration is allowing to pour across our border:

“they’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime. They’re rapists and some, I assume, are good people, but I speak to border guards and they’re telling us what we’re getting.”

For saying that there are drug-traffickers and rapists among illegal “immigrants,” Trump is reviled and condemned. Univision and NBC Universal have cut ties with Trump, refusing to air the “Miss Universe” pageant he partially owns; Macy’s has discontinued his clothing line.

Trump defended himself to CNN, saying that he got his information from an article in that, ironically, is owned by the same Univision that severed ties with Trump over his remark. The Fusion article by Erin Siegal McIntyre and Deborah Bonello says:

Before they can reach the American Dream, many migrant women have to survive a Mexican nightmare. A staggering 80 percent of Central American girls and women crossing Mexico en route to the United States are raped along the way, according to directors of migrant shelters interviewed by Fusion.

That’s up from previous reports by non-profit organizations like Amnesty International that estimate the number at 60 percent.

“Women and girl migrants, especially those without legal status traveling in remote areas or on trains, are at heightened risk of sexual violence at the hands of criminal gangs, people traffickers, other migrants or corrupt officials,” the 2010 Amnesty International report stated. “…Many criminal gangs appear to use sexual violence as part of the “price” demanded of migrants. According to some experts, the prevalence of rape is such that people smugglers may require women to have a contraceptive injection prior to the journey as a precaution…”

…“I think almost all of the women are abused on the way north,” said lawyer Elvira Gordillo, who helps trafficked migrant women who get trafficked into prostitution.

But what we hear from NOW and U.S. feminists is the sound of silence.

It’s not “just” migrant women who are raped. An alarming percentage of girls and women in Mexico are raped — by their family members. 

From an article, “Evitan denunciar familiar violador (They avoid reporting a family rapist),” by Gomez Palacio, in el Siglo, July 11, 2015 (h/t Vdare):

[R]apes are not reported because 70 percent of them are committed by close relatives such as fathers, brothers and uncles.

So many go unreported because of shame and because women are not sufficiently empowered.

7 of every 10 rapes are incest rapes!

What Mexico has is a Culture of Rape.

Here are some other inconvenient facts that the MSM Ministry of Truth isn’t telling you (source: Breitbart):

  • In the state of Texas alone over the last few years, more than 2,000 illegal aliens were deported after committing sex crimes. Nearly 1,000 illegal aliens have been convicted of sex crimes against children.
  • Mexico and Colombia account for more than 90% of the U.S. heroin supply, and nearly all of it is smuggled into this country by Mexican traffickers.
  • According to the federal government’s crime statistics, of 78,022 primary offense cases in fiscal year 2013, 38.6% were illegal immigrant offenders.
  • Nearly half of federal crimes occur in just 5 of the United States’ 94 districts — along the Mexican border.
  • Of the 61,529 criminal cases initiated by federal prosecutors last fiscal year, more than 40%—or 24,746—were filed in court districts neighboring the Mexican border. Of those, nearly 22% (13,383) were drug related, 19.7% (12,123) were violent crimes.
  • More than 2,000 sex offenders are deported by ICE every year in Texas alone. Of the 862 alien sex offenders deported by the Texas-based offices, about 27% were convicted of sex offenses against children.
  • Nearly 1,000 Texas children are sexually assaulted by illegals over the last 3 years. These are convictions, which means the number of Texas kids sexually assaulted by illegals which are reported is even higher, which means the number of unreported pedophilia committed by illegals is higher still.
  • In 2013, the Obama Administration released 36,007 illegals with 88,000 criminal convictions. Those convictions included 193 homicide convictions, 426 sexual assault convictions, 303 kidnapping convictions, and 1,075 aggravated assault convictions. In January 2015, the DHS admitted to Sen. Grassley that 1,000 of the 36,007 released had gone on to commit more crime including: terroristic threats, lewd acts with a minor, various types of assault, DUI, robbery, hit-and-run, gang activity, rape, and child cruelty.
  • The number of criminal illegals deported has jumped from 7,000 in 2007 to 79,000 in 2010 — an increase of 72,000 in just 3 years! These criminals are not being stopped at the border. These criminals are being deported after making it across the border and committing tens of thousands of crimes.

John Nolte of Breitbart writes:

When it comes to taking the Second Amendment civil rights away from American citizens and legal immigrants, the media regularly exploit the dead with a cry of, “If it saves just one child!” But when it comes to stopping illegals from streaming over our porous border to sexually assault our children, the media not only doesn’t call for better border enforcement, the media covers these crimes up….

As far the rape-deniers in the media, there is no appealing to these godless liars. It is up to New Media and citizen journalists to get the facts out there.

See also:

  • Sex offender who illegally crossed border from Canada arrested for burglary, rape
  • Macy’s ‘dump Trump’ backfires as 30,000 irate customers cut up their cards
  • Wayne Allyn Root: GOP is scared to death of Donald Trump 
  • Trump threatens third-party run. Stalking horse for Hillary?
  • Party of Lawlessness: 53% of Democrats say illegal immigrants should be allowed to vote
  • 70% of Americans oppose amnesty for illegals
  • Obama’s amnesty: Illegals to take over America by creating ‘a country within a country’
