Don't Recycle This! Keep It!

Posted on the 31 July 2012 by Thewritefuture @thewritefuture

I emphasize that we should collect and recycle as much as possible. And I also think the organisation of London 2012 has done a great job in getting us to do this by placing many colourful recycle bins. But this recycle bin did make me laugh. Deposit your poncho? In a country with a proper shower every 15 minutes? Maybe it's better to keep it with you till you are heading home (mind you it was a 40 minutes -at least 2 showers!- walk to the exit!).

I watched the Dutch hockey men play India. An amazing game, with such a stunning view that it was a little hard to concentrate on the game...

Tomorrow I will be there again and will try to find out why the lights were turned on. Doesn't make much sense on a sunny day at 1.30pm.