Don’t Neglect These Wedding Planning Basics

By Weddingblog2011

If your head is spinning from the wedding planning process, you’re not alone. Whatever you do, don’t neglect these wedding planning basics. They will help ensure that everything runs smoothly and that you stay sane in the process!

We don’t need to tell you how hectic the wedding planning process can be, but we do want to share some wedding planning basics with you that every bride needs to know in order to avoid a nervous breakdown. Regardless of how large or small your wedding will be, the stress that accompanies wedding planning is enough to throw anyone off track! Many times, brides choose to skip over wedding planning basics, which often hurts them in the long run.

Don’t cut corners with the following wedding planning basics:

Hiring a Wedding Coordinator—No matter what your friends and family tell you, choosing to forego a wedding coordinator is not the best way to save money. Choosing not to hire a wedding planner may save you a few bucks up front, but in the long run, it’s not worth the time and stress you’ll put yourself through when you have to end up doing everything on your own. Most wedding coordinators offer services that work within your budgetary needs, and you’ll be a lot less overwhelmed throughout the entire planning process by hiring one.

Setting a Realistic Budget

It might seem hard to set a budget for your big day right off the bat, especially when you’re unfamiliar with the typical rates for wedding vendors. However, it’s crucial to sit down with your spouse and go over numbers to set a realistic budget that you can stick to. Even if your parents are paying for some of the wedding, if you aren’t careful, expenses can easily get out of control as the big day draws near.

Managing Your Time and Your Stress

This is something we can’t stress enough! Managing your time and your stress levels properly throughout the planning process is a must. Take the time to exercise, eat right, take care of your skin, and don’t forget to schedule time for a fun road trip, a day at the beach, or for spa treatments. Taking care of yourself is important if you want to look and feel your best before and on the big day. These wedding planning basics are a must for every bride-to-be!