Don’t Mix Reese’s Pieces and Skittles

By Fitnessmeetsfrosting @fitnessfrosting

Happy Tuesday everyone! I hope my American friends had a great 3 day weekend and a Happy Memorial Day! I never understood the holiday when I was little- it was just an awesome 3 day weekend. But as an adult, I’ve realized how important this day is (at least in my opinion) and how we should remember those who lost their lives so we could live freely.

On to something a little more cheery- I had every intention of catching up on blogs over the weekend but I was busy hanging out with Kyle! I cannot wait to read some awesome race recaps cause a few of my friends (just a few: here, here, and here) ran marathons this weekend!

Saturday WORKOUT:

7 miles, easy pace. I feel like I’ve lost endurance. Don’t know if that’s true or not.

After my run, Kyle and I went to lunch and then a movie (X-men) because my company had a private screening. It was fun except for 2 things:

1) I did a major candy no-no and mixed Reese’s Pieces and Skittles for Kyle.

Sorry Kyle. I didn’t know this was practically torture in a chocolate eater’s eyes ;) Lesson learned.

2) My coworkers brought their children to the movies, many of which were far too young to see X-men. They were loud and their parents didn’t seem to think this was unacceptable. And because they are coworkers, I didn’t feel like I could shush them (although I did at one point). Come on people. If they aren’t old enough to stay quiet, they aren’t old enough to go out to the movies.


Ran 5 miles, easy pace. Was going to try to push it but the knee started hurting around mile 3.


No run since my knee is wonky but I did walk ~6 miles of hills with Kyle’s family. We went to a huge garage sale (over 100 houses). Kyle and I were looking for items for our future home. I only ended up getting a ceramic pot for my mom.

And now on to the 10 Day You Challenge (I know I skipped the weekend days but I typically don’t blog on the weekend).

8 Fears:

1. Losing Kyle.

I know how lucky I am to have found my other (better) half. We’ll just leave it at that because I don’t want to get all emotional.

2. Losing any family member for that matter.

When I was little, any time my dad would go on a business trip or my mom would go to the store or something, my biggest fear was that they would get into an accident and never come home. <– this is why I got sick all the time. I worry (worried) too much.

3. Losing a pet.

I hate that dogs and cats age quicker than humans. It’s just not fair. End of story.

4. Snakes.

Kyle and I have had “the talk.” You know, about if we are on a hike and a snake comes out, I will scream and he is to immediately pick me up and save me. Don’t all couples have this talk?

5. Lizards.

See #4. Replace “snake” with lizard.

6. Sharks.

My rule of thumb: don’t mess with animals that can grow new teeth.

7. My house getting broken in to/getting mugged.

Reason #826 why I want an enormous dog.

8. Failing.

I know this is silly to be scared of but it’s the truth. I’m hard on myself and I don’t like to fail at things. I don’t like that I could let myself down and let others down.

What are some of your fears?