Don’t Miss The Wiener Wiesn Fest – Austrian Entertainment At Its Best!

By Linda

photo : Leo Gonzales

Every Autumn Austria’s Bavarian bothers hold the well-established Oktoberfest. Not to be outdone by the boozy Bavarians, Austrians now welcome you to the wonderful Wiener Wiesn Fest!

Wiener Wiesn fest – Austria’s answer to the Oktoberfest

The Wiener Wiesn Fest is ‘the’ place to be to watch and wear Dirndl or Lederhosen, whilst downing a decent beer. And with plenty of crusty bread, cold meat and folk music bringing a feast for your ears, it would be sad state of affairs if you missed this annual extravaganza.

Held in the Präter Park besides the fabulous Ferris Wheel, the Wiener Wiesn Fest is in its second year. With over 250 hours of music, festivities and fun, it’s especially great for groups. You can start with brunch at 11:00, then sing and swing with your family and friends as some 99 concerts from a line-up of top stars in the folk music field. The event takes place from September 27th through to 7th October (2012).

Build-up to the fun-filled Fair

Over the summer, Austrian’s have been busying themselves with the build-up to the Wiener Wiesn Fest. Maybe this is why they didn’t do so well in the London Olympics!

The first Wierner Wiesn Dirndl Fly was held to find the most fun-filled man to front the fair. Dressed in full Dirndl, blond wig and whatever else tradition usually demands of luscious Austrian ladies, a big band of boys lined up to leap from a 5 meter springboard. Proving what, you might wonder?

To show that Austrian men are great guys, of course – who know how to laugh at themselves and aren’t afraid of others laughing at them!

And the lovely ladies have done their bit too – though not in Lederhosen. They took part in the first Miss Wiener Wiesn competition. Dressed in Dirndl, they were scored on their wit, charm and ability to decorate gingerbread hearts. And so as not to appear too tame, they had to sup and swing a traditional tipple whilst singing some special song. From the bevvy of beauties who took part, a 37 year old took the title. Which just goes to show that it’s not only the young, lithe and pretty who grab the goodies (there’s hope for me yet!).

Gösser Beer

The beer of choice for the Wiener Wiesn Fest, is none other than the great tasting Gössner Beer brewed in the Styrian mining town of Leoben. Described as the gateway to the Styria iron road, this is a University town full of ancient history and modern attrcations. It’s located along the river Mur as it flows along from its source in a remote valley in the Lungau region high in the Hohe Tauern National Park, to its end in the great Danube river.

The Gössner Brewery is one of the largest and most well-known in Austria and owned by Heineken International. The Gössner beer is thought to be one of the most popular in Steiermark, with a greenish color that reflects the province’s pride as the Green Heart of Austria. Though it must also be noted that there are other equally deserving and highly attractive brews and breweries in the region!

Characteristics of Gösser Bier

Described as a European lager beer, the Gösser has a hoppy aroma. It’s dark and delicious. And brewing is at its best as the product is made to old inherited traditions.

The beer’s aroma has a smoky, roasted nose and thick creamy taste on the palate. It’s slightly sweet, though not as naughty as some other similar drinks. With only 156 kcal in its 4.2% alcohol content, the Gösser has 13.3% fewer calories than its contemporaries.

As one Canadian reviewer stated:

Golden color. Citrus and malt aroma. First taste is dryness followed by a creamy mouth feel and finishes with a sweet citrus taste. This is not a bad beer.

- Beer Taster

So for a fun-filled end to the summer season, why not get yourself over to Austria and enjoy the delights of the Wiener Wiesn Fest?

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