Don’t Miss Master CraftFest

By Dplylemd

Master CraftFest is ITW’s one-day writing intensive where a small group of students gather with a single instructor to workshop each student’s manuscript. The goal of this hands-on approach is to improve your writing and storytelling. It’s a long but rewarding day.

Join us and kick up your writing to the next level.

This year our instructors are: Steve Berry, Gayle Lynds, Steven James, Grant Blackwood, Lorenzo Carcaterra, David Corbett, and DP Lyle.

Master CraftFest will be held on Tuesday, July 7, 2015 from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. with CraftFest proper beginning Wednesday July 8.

There are only a few seats remaining so sign up now.

And of course join us for the entire week as ITW presents ThrillerFest, CraftFest, CareerFest (a new program), PitchFest, and the Thriller Awards Banquet. It’s a great week of learning, networking, and having fun.