Don’t Let Your Love Be Invisible.

By Umkhaloodie


Tonight, I watched the news for the tenth time today and still, I thought the same thing I thought at midnight last night when watching the Boston bombings….what kind of world are we living in? 2 dead in Boston yesterday, 6 car explosions in Iraq yesterday, 76 killed in Syria today…… Of course, that’s not counting the people that are dying in Mali, Afghan, Pakistan and of course, the dying children in Africa suffering from Aids and Malnourishment.

When are we all going to say, enough is enough? When can we all just live in peace? Unfortunately we can’t because the human brain is far to advanced to just say yes sir, no sir. We all think too much, we are too intelligent, we evolved into something far greater than we were supposed to.

If we can learn anything from these tragic events/tragic acts of terror, it’s this, love those that matter and forget those that don’t. Life could end for any one of us at any second. Remember your words, taste them before you spit them out. Don’t be a fool, don’t judge without truly understanding the facts.

Love your family and your friends. Enjoy every minute of life because in the end, none of us get out alive.