Don’t Let the Weather Decide Whether to Weather Your Plans

By Hotelprops @hotelprops

I have seen it time and time again. People are scared of the weather. No, I am not talking about hurricanes, tornado’s,  blizzards or typhoons. I’ve seen people cancel their weekend plans because its colder than the seasonal norm, or there is a 40% chance of showers. A great place to see what you can expect is at . The Weather Network is a Canadian company that seems to be pretty good at getting it right.Rain on Vacation?

If I am going away I make plans for rain or shine. If its a short 2 day trip its not a lot of planning to say “if its nice we’ll do this, and if its cold or rainy we can go check this other thing out”. If you are going away for a week then you should have 3 or 4 days of good weather stuff and 3 or 4 days of bad weather stuff planned. If you get all good weather, I am sure you can find things to do.  If you get 7 days of bad weather – well then you should go buy  a lottery ticket because you’re luck has gotta change soon!

Some random dude relaxing in the rainOne thing I always want to stress if that in order to have a great vacation, you need to have a road map of what you want to do. Organization will really help take the stress out of the trip. It might take a lot of time to plan it all out right, and to have several sets of plans to compensate for things like the weather, however it will certainly benefit your trip. I am a firm believer that a vacation or a trip should be a break. If you are organized and know what you are doing – rain or shine – then its a whole bunch less to worry about!