Don’t Let Black Friday Turn Into Black Eye Day

Posted on the 25 November 2015 by 72point @72hub

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  • One in ten people prepared to squabble over Black Friday bargains
  • Shoppers should plan ahead to avoid buying things they don't need
  • One in eight customers end up returning items they have bought

One in ten Brits are prepared to stand toe-to-toe with fellow shoppers in order to bag a bargain this Black Friday, new research shows.

A study of 2,000 adults found the now infamous discount event of the year will provoke an aggressive streak in many of those planning to hit the high street this November 27 th.

Figures from Nationwide highlighted that while one in three adults went in search of Black Friday discounts last year, the average shopper is planning to spend around £176 this coming Friday.

This will result in an estimated £120 million being racked up on debit cards - more than on December 19 th, which as the Friday before Christmas is often considered the day of the year most likely to see big spends.

Phil Smith, Head of Current Accounts at Nationwide, which commissioned the study, said: "For many, Black Friday coincides with the last payday before Christmas, so they use it to kick-start and supplement their Christmas shopping.

"And with only a limited number of the best deals available, tensions can spill over, resulting in arguments over goods usually associated with panic buying.

''This means that tn the cold light of day, what seemed to be a good bargain could end up being a waste of money.

"Customers should consider doing a little bit of research and planning beforehand, as many stores will advertise offers ahead of time.

''In doing so, we can ensure we're buying the goods we actually want at a discounted price rather than being tempted by the lure of a bargain on something we don't particularly need."

According to the poll, the most prized items purchased on Black Friday include home appliances, computers, computer games and televisions.

But unsurprisingly, the attraction of a mass-bargain shopping spree drains stock of must-have items - fuelling arguments between patrons on the shop floor.

Men are nearly twice as likely as women to clash over goods, the poll showed, with one in eight (13%) prepared to argue over bargains with their fellow Brits, compared to just seven per cent of women.

But while one in ten shoppers said they're prepared to argue across the aisles on November 27, it could be to no avail - the poll also revealed that one in eight adults (13%) will end up returning the bargains they've bought.

In fact, Black Friday could result in thousands of returned items, as more than half confessed to surrendering to impulse purchases on the day.

Phil Smith, Nationwide's Head of Current Accounts, added: "This Black Friday, people should consider putting money aside for something they actually want rather than simply buying something because it is listed as a bargain.

''The benefits of impulse saving can have a positive impact on our finances. And for those who make big home appliance purchases, consider extending your warranty to cover all eventualities.''

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