Don’t Let Anyone Fool You on April Fools Day Today

Posted on the 01 April 2013 by Themarioblog @garciainteract

TAKEAWAY: It is a day for foolish jokes and hoaxes, but some smell too much like a joke to carry any weight.  PLUS: New York Magazine unveils new iPad app today

So it is April 1, or what many called April Fool’s Day, a day when people play practical jokes on each other.  The fact that this year’s April 1 falls on a Monday, and that it is the day after Easter Sunday, perhaps some people will be too exhausted from the holiday weekend to act on the requirements of the day.

But I have had already a couple of April Fools Day “jokes” coming via email from well meaning (and fun) friends.

As I start my next long trip today and it will take me through various European cities (see the Where’s Mario graphic below), I know that it is still rather cold in those parts, although the calendar indicates it is spring.

So, this morning one of those mails read:

Mario, forget your coat on this next trip to Europe.  We have suddenly gone from winter to summer, have skipped spring and it is actually sunny and very hot weather here.“

My iPhone weather report tells me differently, so I will take my coat, hat and gloves.

Another friend, a client whose products we are helping to move into the media quartet, wrote me:

The publisher of ……… has decided to cancel the print edition starting this Monday, so it is more like a media trio for when you arrive here this month. We aim to make your job easier, Mario!“

That one is the one that reminded me that it was April Fools Day today.

Nobody could be that foolish, even on April Fools Day!

New York Magazine: new tablet app

We look forward to today’s launch of the new New York Magazine iPad app, an interactive version of its weekly print magazine. And this time, it is supposed to be more interactive and engaging, according to a preview in Adweek

Pages we like

Our Europe correspondent Frank Deville sends us these double pages from Bild am Sonntag, one celebrating the history of rabbits and Easter, with a headline that reads: Here Hops the Hero of the Day.  The other pages urge readers to travel to “the happy people.“ The “sliced” photo describes the anatomy of a racing automobile.

Where’s Mario until April 28, 2013?

Mario’s upcoming speaking engagements

Take advantage of our iPad Design/Ad Lab workshops

Do you want to take your brand to the next level by creating a tablet edition? Garcia Media can help. We now offer one- to two-day iPad Design Lab workshops on demand to jumpstart your presence on this exciting new platform. We also offer iPad Ad Lab workshops to develop engaging advertising models for your app. Contact us for more information.

Purchase the book on the iBookstore

iPad Design Lab has been given the QED Seal
TheMarioBlog post #1227