Don’t Get Cross...

By Ozhene @papaver

It was one of those days, you know the sort, nothing is hugely wrong but things could be better. In the scheme of things worse things happen at sea (as they say) but the day and I were feeling heavy with the grey of it all.

I paused briefly to wander through my emails and something caught my eye......

I saw an offer on an Aspidistra elatior. I have already written about my little splurge of aspidistra buying, but I had not got one of these. The plain elatior are not rare, they are not difficult to find, but I had not got around to buying one..... (yet).

It was also not the most expensive treat, but it was the treat I needed. The plant arrived a couple of days later in a large, slightly squashed box. I opened it up and thankfully the small plant was fine.

It is one big leaf and a nubbin. I keep wondering if it is a leaf nubbin or a flower nubbin? Time will tell. Aspidistras are slow growing so I will enjoy watching this one develop.

There is something about the shiney, glossy leaves that I really like. I have even bought some leaf-shine wipes to keep them dust-free. I am not sure I ever imagined I would become the sort of person that buys special wipes for leaves, but hey, I never knew how happy they would make me.

The plant was potted into a plant pot and put into 'Aspidistra Corner' and introduced to its new sisters.

and as a wise friend said to me there is now a new rule: 'Don't get cross, get an aspidistra'.