Don’t Forget Your Daddy On Your Wedding Day

By Weddingblog2011

If there is one person who deserves your thanks on your wedding day, it is your dad. Fathers are very special people. Not because he is footing the bill for the reception, nor is it because he’s giving you jewelry. You should thank him for all the years of memories and care he gave you.

Think about it. Thanks to him, you have a role model of what a good father is. It doesn’t mean your dad is a saint (yes, he’s human and has his faults) but you’ve seen how he makes mistakes and tries to make up for it because he loves you. You’ve watched him work hard, coming home very tired, yet he probably still took the time to listen to you talk about your adventures.

Your first bike ride was probably with your dad. I’ll bet he was the taste tester of all your cooking experiments growing up too. Remember how he encouraged you to go ahead and try for anything you wanted, whether it was the cheering team, president of the science club or student body president?

He’s the one who says you’re beautiful, because to him you always are…

Bride And Father Dancing

He was your protector. He was there to pick you up after school and scare away the bullies. He kept a watchful eye on all your dates, keeping the frisky ones in check (until you were old enough to understand and make your own decision). Remember finding him asleep on the couch, all dressed up, just in case you needed a ride home? Or how proud he was the day you took and passed your own driving test?

Now, you are all grown up and about to get married and he is praying that he has equipped you well for married life and motherhood. His walk with you down the aisle is a very special moment for him. When he gives your hand to your groom, he is literally entrusting your well being to this new male in your life. Take the time to thank him for all he has done to get you to this moment. You owe him a lot and he loves you.

If you need a little inspiration, listen to the lyrics of the song Father of Girls by Perry Como. He explains the sentiments of a father perfectly. Be warned though; it might bring a tear to your eye :)

You’ll find a complete guide for your own Dad that explains everything he needs to say
and do on your wedding day in the
Father Of The Bride section of my website