Don’t Forget to Recycle This Christmas

By Mummyoftwo @RaspberryGiggle

December 11, 2013, admin, Christmas, Sponsored Posts, , 2

With Christmas nearly upon us my thoughts turn to making sure all of our recycling bins are emptied before the inevitable wrapping paper and packaging mayhem that ensues Christmas morning.

Although I do think toys these days have got better with regards to the amount of packaging they use, the amount of boxes and wrapping paper we have to throw away each year still surprises me and by Christmas night the bins are usually overflowing.

Not only do we have to cope with packaging from the presents, there is also the packaging from all of the food we consume, crackers, bottles, etc.  When you have a large family get together it can be really difficult to keep on top of the rubbish and recycling.

Having a cardboard recycling bin definitely helps and you feel like you are doing your bit for the environment too.  It is nice to know something useful is being done with our rubbish and it isn’t just being put into landfill to rot away.

We do keep some packaging back for junk modelling, however, can’t keep too much otherwise our kitchen is just overflowing with boxes, tubes and scrap paper.

We usually end up with a few boxes in the garage too which need putting out with the recycling in the weeks following Christmas!

This Christmas I will make a conscious effort to make sure that everything that can be recycled is put into the correct bins and hopefully we won’t be ‘swimming’ in cardboard and paper into the New Year!

Do you make an effort to recycle everything you possibly can?

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