Don’t End up Like This Guy. Help Me Help You!

By Therealbarman @TheRealBarman

Anyone who has ever owned or managed a bar/restaurant knows that it takes the patience of Mother Teresa and the steel grit of Sam Elliott in Tombstone. Seriously. I have spent a lifetime in this industry and it's like your own child: you love it to death, but sometimes you want to pull your belt from its loops like you would a lawnmower rip-cord and hang yourself from your ceiling fan just to escape the madness.

No? Well, to each their own. Nevertheless, each year I put out a quick 10-Question survey that allows owners and managers everywhere to rant and rave to me about what is causing them so much pain and misery and areas that they wish they could learn more about. This helps me help them by providing them with solutions, education and cost control tools that will make their lives easier on a day-to-day basis as they attempt to make their bar the talk-of-the-town, profit machine it should be.

If you have 5 minutes, click the link below to take the survey and give me all your pain, like a priest confessional, only with less sexual disclosure (unless that's what you need). Believe me, you'll feel so much lighter when you're done.


Cheers to you all. Here's to an awesome 2016!

Dave, The RB