Don’t Be Afraid to Go Your Own Way

By Zen_sheila @BeZensational

Have confidence in what you really think and feel – to be able to part ways, decline an invitation, or follow a different direction from the “norm”.  This is not always easy, mostly because of guilt.  Guilt is such an unhealthy thing whether you are making someone else feel guilty, or someone is guilting you.  Use your intuition, your gut, and let it direct you.  This may mean finally listening to yourself about an unhealthy relationship, or simply allowing yourself to relax when others want you to participate.  Life is not going to make you miserable unless you allow yourself to be miserable.  It’s all about choices, and one choice you always will have is to go your own way.  It might feel scary at first, you might feel unsure or alone, you may even question yourself because you are stepping out of familiar territory of always doing something you really don’t want to do.  You’ll be okay, it will take patience, persistence, time and confidence.  But you CAN do this!  You can allow yourself to healthy in mind and to become a stronger person.