Domain Value: 5 Surefire Ways To Obliterate It

Posted on the 11 August 2013 by Tom Jamieson @tomjamieson_

Optimization specialists spend countless hours reminding society which ways work best for increasing future domain value, its position, and where we should put links. Taking two ginormous leaps backwards, it often beleaguers me when reading these repetitive ‘tips’. We get the point: build relevant links and write relevant content. Thank you.

The difficult angle strategists aren’t always comfortable taking is realizing, then discussing, what potentially obliterates your domain value, search position and all but annihilates your dreams of growing visitorship. We tackle this hairy subject in hopes you’ll read before buying previously nuked domains.

#1: Massive Crosslinking Affects Domain Value

Matt Cutts, Google’s search engine babysitter and spammy website whistle-blower, has long forewarned webmasters that linking to hundreds of websites isn’t shunned – unless the reasons lead towards an obvious attempt to heist search position. Linking to relevant news sources, G+ profiles and other resources which clearly continue your discussion are encouraged; not checking your linked sources before using them or using repetitive linking throughout your content is discouraged, and penalized. Linking country-relevant TLD’s should only be enacted if you’re offering visitors language specific content, and nothing else.

#2: Abusing ccTLD’s Affects Domain Value

Another way entrepreneurs could trounce domain value involves abusing domain’s intended geographical target. Your main three TLD’s – .com, .net and .org – aren’t really specific to much more than whatever keyword is being chosen. Being lucky enough to register a single keyword ccTLD for Azerbaijan then optimizing it for Chinese traffic, however, is seriously glowered upon. Remember, Bing and Google only wish to make searches more relevant for end users; making Google’s job tougher will only make your traffic suffer.

#3: Plagiarizing Content Affects Domain Value

The seriousness of plagiarism goes without saying. If you cannot write from your own playbook, per se, hire a different quarterback who knows content strategies. Completely baseless content copied from PLR (private label rights) websites, spun content and lifting paragraphs from reputed sources will get your domain banned, your business laughed at and perhaps even some civil proceedings. Copyscape is actually an affordable program, as is Grammarly; taking one nickel to preserve your content and domain value shouldn’t take teeth pulling.

#4: Deceptive Practices Affect Domain Value

Warez, hacking websites, and anything meant to disrupt common peace or simply menacing websites stand little chance against Google’s heightened security. Sure, one must submit repetitive reports to web hosts or ISP’s to get these websites banned; domains of this nature will never carry much value unless traded amongst peers with similar mindsets – an increasingly diminishing number of peers, at that. Care to test Google, Bing or Comcast Keep pulling shady flimflams, and watch your DSL or Cable line get shut down quicker than you can say ‘Napster’.

#5: Forwarding Irrelevantly Affects Domain Value

Domains that lead visitors onward to newer versions of site content is definitely plausible; forwarding your domain to irrelevant places around the internet does little to keep your value. This may cause backlinks you didn’t ask for, lowering your domain authority considerably and sending untargeted, or misguided, traffic your way. Perhaps not the quickest way to whack your domain worthiness, yet definitely surefire.

In Closing: We Know This Cutts Your Heart Out…

Google’s SEO spokesman has asserted the will of the search giant for many years – yet, even today, many businesses fail to heed to warnings clearly given on his blog, and others that gather his insights. Didn’t mean to purposefully ruin your day today; the aforementioned damaging domain acts are widely provided by Google, yet many people simply turn blind eyes to these warnings. When attempting to increase domain value illegitimately, remember a preponderance of widely scrutinized evidence is easily searchable online, and forever proves that Google means business.

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Roger Klawinski is a freelance writer and experienced domainer from Indiana. You can follow him on Google+.