Dolly Review: Wicked Cool Toys Cabbage Patch Kids

By Ashley Brooke, Kewpie83 @KewpieDoll83

It took a while, but I finally got my hands on some of Wicked Cool Toys Cabbage Patch Kids, sent for review. Because Cabbage Patch Kids haven’t changed very much in the past 30 years, there’s not much I can say about them! My relationship with Cabbage Patch Kids started way back in 1984. Cabbage Patch Kids, then produced by Coleco, were all the rage. They literally caused riots. (I can only imagine what would have happened if eBay existed back in 1983! Those scalper prices would have been insane! Check out some old newspaper articles written during the first few years.) My father took a part time job at a convenient store  and when a shipment of Cabbage Patch Kids came in, he made sure to leave with one. (I’m sure my mom had something to do with it, too!)

Cabbage Patch Kid, Elizabeth Ann

Cabbage Patch Kid, Elizabeth Ann

Many kids probably had a lot more Cabbage Patch Kids than me. For the most part, I grew up with one, Elizabeth Ann. I gathered a few over the years, but as far as original Coleco ones, I didn’t get very many. I think that’s for the better, though, because if I had too many as a kid, I wouldn’t have been able to bond with Elizabeth Ann (my original Cabbage Patch Kid) as much as I did.

Fast forward to 2016, Wicked Cool Toys is now breathing new life into this classic brand. Wicked Cool Toys Cabbage Patch Kids haven’t changed that much when compared to other companies past releases. Their main goal seems to be to bring back the excitement that followed the brand back in its early years. You’ve seen that with the release of the limited edition collectible 18″ Cabbage Patch Kids released in 2015.

Wicked Cool Toys CPK

Keeping with tradition, all Cabbage Patch Kids come with a birth certificate. It’s printed on nice quality paper. (In this day and age, Wicked Cool Toys could have easily included a QR code or site URL to print a digital birth certificate.) Each certificate includes a unique doll name and birthday.

Like past re-imaginings of Cabbage Patch Kids, the ‘Kids’ have vinyl heads and plush bodies. The stuffing seems lighter than what has been used in the past. My original Cabbage Patch Kid, for example, seems heavier than Wicked Cool Toys newest release, even though she’s practically the same size. Wicked Cool Toys kept the facemold similar to what we’ve seen in past years.

They’ve added the element of animal adoption with their Adoptimals. The traditional Cabbage Patch Kids all come with a key. That key pairs with the Adoptimals (sold separately) and will make your Adoptimal’s collar light up and unlocks their ‘secret heartbeat’. The Adoptimals are 100% plush and scaled for the Cabbage Patch Kids size. They’re cute and some kids will really enjoy this secondary element to the Cabbage Patch Kids brand. I, personally, wouldn’t have been over the moon about it, but I could see pairing a Cabbage Patch Kid with an Adopimal for birthday gifts.

Also packaged with these two Cabbage Patch Kids that came for review was the more interactive, completely vinyl Drink and Wet Newborn. The gimmick of the Drink and Wet doll is simple– fill the provided bottle with water, feed it to your Cabbage Patch Kid Newborn and watch as the doll begins to wet its diaper. Aesthetically, the newborn is adorable. He has cute molded fingers and toes and the classic newborn face we all love.

As far as how well he works, well, he could work a little better. Half the water in the bottle went onto the poor newborns face when I was testing him out. You’ll want to use this on a table or in a room where you don’t mind if things get a little wet. Unlike some of the other interactive Cabbage Patch Kids, this one doesn’t require batteries or the use of any electronic device. Because of the tube inside the doll (I assume), the doll can’t turn his head in any direction. (You don’t know how many times I’ve tried to turn it left or right.)

So far, I think Wicked Cool Toys is doing a good job with Cabbage Patch Kids. As time passes, I’m sure they’ll be experimenting with even more ideas to make their mark on the iconic brand. For now, they seem to be taking inspiration from the past, releasing a variety of Cabbage Patch Kids in cute fashions and some fun, interactive newborns.

What do you think of Wicked Cool Toys take on Cabbage Patch Kids now that it’s been out for a while? What do you want to see from them in the future? Share your thoughts below!

*These toys were sent for review from Wicked Cool Toys in exchange for a fair and honest review.*

June 29, 2016. Tags: CPK, review, wicked Cool toys. Introductions & Reviews, Uncategorized.