I’m a G1 My Little Pony collector, so it should come as no surprise how much I love My Little Pony Express. I first learned about this fun Etsy shop from the blog Never Grow Up. Never Grow Up did a really great Q and A with Etsy owner, Ruth. Definitely check it out if you have a chance!

MLP Express Logo
What is this My Little Pony Express, you ask? Well, here’s a quick run down. You’ve probably seen ads all over facebook and social media about ‘subscription boxes’, monthly boxes filled with a variety of mystery items. My Little Pony Express is a subscription box that features G1 ponies and accessories! Sounds awesome, right? Well, it totally is.
At the moment, you have a few options available through the My Little Pony Express etsy shop. There are two different boxes offered. You can order the Classic Collector Box, which features one pony of display quality(or 2, if you get the double box), that ponies original back story printed on quality paper and a handful of accessories.
Another option is the 2 for 25 Play Pony box, which features two My Little Ponies in played with condition and an accessory or two. It’s a great option for those who are looking to grow their collection two surprise ponies at a time!
Both sets feature ponies that have received a full make over. The body will be washed and the hair will be shampooed and styled. At the time of this posting, you can order a subscription box for a single month or three months.
When you purchase a subscription package, you’ll also be asked to provide a list of what you might be looking for, things to stay away from and/or keep an eye out for, that sort of thing. My mom coyly asked me prior to my birthday to put a list of my favorite ponies together early December.
One thing I love about this program is that all ponies are treated equally. You could have a common pony in your box or you could have a rare one! You don’t have to pay extra for a chance to get a super special pony. (That being said, I’m not holding my breath when it comes to the Mimic that was listed in my top six!)
For my birthday, I received three months of the Classic Collector Box. Of course, I wanted to share the excitement of my subscription boxes with you, too! So here’s a look at what was in the January box!!!
The lovely pony in my January subscription box was Bubbles. I love ponies that are in unique body positions and Bubbles fits that bill 100%. Instead of standing on four legs, she sits! Bubbles has an adorable diamond on her forehead, which is another reason I was drawn to her. She’s one of those ponies that is adorable in her simplicity.
MLP and the New Friends
Sticker and comb
Also in my My Little Pony Express January box was her back story, a fun My Little Pony storybook, a comb and sticker!
My Little Pony Express delivers on all fronts. The concept is fantastic, the ponies seem to be in great shape and the extra’s are pretty neat! On top of that, it’s obvious effort was put into every aspect of this subscription box. I could not be happier and I have a feeling I’ll be renewing my subscription once my three months are over! You can find My Little Pony Express on Etsy and Facebook.
I have two more boxes waiting in the wings (February and March), but until then, answer me this. What MLP would you want in your My Little Pony Express box? What do you think of this concept in general? Leave your thoughts below!
January 22, 2015. Tags: hasbro, Introduction, mlp, my little pony, review, video review. Introductions & Reviews, Uncategorized.