Dolly Review: Mattel’s Ever After High Cedar Wood

By Ashley Brooke, Kewpie83 @KewpieDoll83

Before I get to this review, I just wanted to apologize for missing one or two of the weekly updates!  March and April have been tough months for me, schedule wise.  It didn’t help that the toy aisles have been empty of new stock recently!  So, starting this week, I plan on getting back to my one post a week goal.  :)  Thanks for being awesome!

Cedar Woods

Cedar with Hunter

And now, the regularly scheduled doll review!  I’d like to introduce you to the newest Ever After High release, Cedar Wood!  Cedar Wood is the daughter of Pinocchio and falls into the ‘rebel’ category.  She hit store shelves officially April 1st, though I found her at Justice a few days before then.

Cedar’s Purse

Cedar’s Bracelet and Ring

As per usual, Cedar comes with a stand, comb and purse. She is decked out in earrings, a bracelet and the standard two-fingered ring.

Cedars Hair

Cedar has rooted brown hair.  It’s styled in loose curls.  These curls are sprayed down, so they should keep their style well.  While simple, I think this style suits her. What I really love about her hairstyle is the braided headband (of sorts).

Cedars braided headband style

In the small braid, you’ll notice she has lavender highlights. My doll is very light on highlights.  If it weren’t for the strands by her part, it would be easy to miss them.  I don’t mind that the highlights are lighter than we’ve seen on some dolls.  I feel like they needed to keep her hair simple for other elements of her design to stand out.  What other elements? We’ll get to that later.

Cedars face paint

Cedar has an adorable face!  Her eye make up is very earthy, with brown eye shadow surrounding her brown eyes.  Right above the brown eye shadow, there is a nice translucent white to lighten the look up a bit. Cedar’s long eyelashes really stand out on Cedar’s lightly done up face. Cedar has very light blush, light enough that it’s hard to notice at first.  The main focal point of her face has to be her lips. Like we’ve seen on Cupid before, her lip color is comprised of a dark red center surrounded by a light tan tone.  It took a while for me to get used to this lip design, to be completely honest.  But after owning her for a few weeks, I don’t mind it any more.  It’s grown on me!

Cedar’s Dress

Cedar is dressed in a cute purple dress with some pink and gold elements on the skirt.  It’s put together nicely and it seems to fit her character well.  I like the bodice and the peter pan neckline.  The thing I don’t love about this outfit?  It’s kind of blah.  There’s nothing super special about it.

Uneven Tights

Cedar wears knee high tights.  My doll’s knee high’s are way off.  The right knee high is much longer than the left one.  I can’t say I paid enough attention to the socks while buying her, so I don’t know if this is just mine or if it’s a styling choice made by Mattel, but the uneven tights are a bit annoying.

Cedar’s Shoes

As usual, I adore Cedar’s shoes!  They’re cute.  They’re not as elaborate as Ever After High or Monster High have been in the past, but I love the simplistic nature to them. They are a dark brown, bark like heel with pink straps holding them on.  I love these shoes!

Cedar in Pizza Hut playset

Cedar Wood

The coolest thing about Cedar for me is her body mold.  Cedar is Pinocchio’s daughter, so the wood carving theme was taken to a max while designing her arms, legs, torso and even her head mold.  Her body is decked out in ‘bark like’ carvings.

Notice the carvings on her arms

Cedar’s legs. Notice the carvings!

This was even brought into her face mold, from her neck to just around her lips and on the sides of her hair line.  Kudo’s to Mattel for going all the way and for keeping to her character’s aesthetic.

Those lines on are face are NOT shadows!

Cedar with Venus

The limbs creaked a bit when I first moved them, which did frighten me at first, but now that they’ve been worked in, I’m less worried about them!  She has the traditional jointing–  shoulder, elbow, wrist, thigh, and knee.  Her head rotates as it should.

Cedar with Hunter

For me, Cedar is a great addition to the Ever After High line.  She’s not 100% perfect, but she’s near perfect!  I wish her outfit was a little different from the cookie cutter styles we’ve seen so far and I really wish her tights weren’t so drastically uneven.  Of course, I think Mattel worked wonders with the tree like elements put into her body and head mold.

Cedar with Hunter (and look at the lines on the top of her hairline– those are NOT shadows!)

The video review is below:

What do you think of Cedar? Share your thoughts below!